
Yiwen FEI

  • Department:Finance
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 52301256
  • Title:Associate Professor
  • Email:ywfei@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Yiwen Fei is the professor in EMBA (The honour of most popular EMBA professor in 2022)and associate professor in Economics and Finance. He had been Associate Chair of the finance department from 2006 to 2009. Dr. Fei is an economics graduate of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Erasmus University Rotterdam where he received his PhD in 2004. Title of thesis: "The institutional change in China after its reform in 1979 -- an institutional analysis with a focus on mergers and acquisitions".


    1. Research Project in progress:

    • "Research on the optimization and development of China's multi-level capital market system under the background of China's industrial upgrading" (Major projects of China's National Social Science Foundation, No.14ZDA046,2014-2016)

    • " The analysis on the controlling mechanism between the firm and private equity" (China's National Natural Science Foundation,No.70972066)

    • "The mechanism analysis of private equity's control" Shanghai Pujiang Tanlent Program

    • Privatization and management buy-outs: What changes besides the change in ownership?" Joint Project with Norttingham University, UK.

    1. "Private Equity and the reform of SOE in China", Shanghai Municipal Government..

      * The Institutional Approach to Mergers and Acquisitions, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller AG & Co. KG, Germany, ISBN 978-3639087819,2009.
      *"Modern Corporate Finance", Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2006.

      Journal Articles

    • Xue,J. and Fei,Y.(2016)Double-sided moral hazard, information screening and the optimal,China Finance Review International, 2016, Vol 6, 4

    • Fei, Y, Zhu,X. and Xu.,Y. (2013) Private Equity,Initial Public Offer & The Efficiency, Shanghai Management Science, No. 6

    • Zhao, Y and Fei, Y. (2013)  Design and Renegotiation on Valuation Adjustment Mechanism, Shanghai Finance, No.10.

    • Li, Y. and Fei, Y. (2013) Signaling Equilibrium and Counter-signaling Equilibrium Valuation Adjustment Mechanism, Statistics & Decision, No.8.

    • Yu, N. and Fei, Y. (2013) IPO Underpricingof PE/VC Backed Enterprises, South China Journal of Economics, No.3.

    • Fei, Y, Xu,X. and Ding, R. (2013) Sovereign wealth fund and financial crisis- a shifting paradigm, China Finance Review International, No.1.

    • Fei, Y, Zhu,X. and Zhang,Y. (2012) Does Private Equity Improve the Efficiency in the Firm? Shanghai Management Science, No. 5

    • Li, J. and Fei, Y. (2008) Then analysis on the control mechanisms of private equity exit,  China Finance Review, No. 4.

    • Fei, Y. and Cai, M. (2006) The Study of Cross-regional Acquisitions in China, Shanghai Management Science, No. 2.

    • Fei, Y. and Cai, M. (2004) From State to State: The effects of state-owned shares transfer in China, Shanghai Management Science, No. 4.

    • Fei, Y. (2003) The effects of stock acquisitions on Chinese corporations, China Soft Science, No.4.

    • Fei, Y. and Cai, M. (2003) The effects of stock acquisitions in Shanghai Stock Exchange, World Economy, No. 5.

  • Corporate Finance (EMBA, MBA, MA) 

    International Finance (MBA)

    The supervisor of a joint programe "Advanced Studies in International Finance (ASIF)"(The University of Texas at Austin,USA; Belgorod State University, Russia;ITESM, Mexico;SJTU, P.R.China)

    Fei has won the award for his bilingual teaching in 2005.
