Liwen HOU
- Department:Information、Technology and Innovation
- Phone:+86 (0)21 52301196
- Title:Professor
- Email:lwhou@sjtu.edu.cn
Ph.D. Department of Management Science & Engineering, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2001,
Professor, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
visiting scholar: Gerogia Institute of Technology, 2005,8-2006,2
"Outstanding Reviewer Award", Granted by "Electronic Commerce Research and Application" in 2017
Research interested: matching service on internet, dynamic ridesharing, business value of information systems, electronic commerce.
Membership of Associate for Information System (AIS), 2014-2019,
Councile of Associate of Shanghai System Simlullation
“Information Technology and Management”,associate editor
Reviewer: Journal of Systems, ECRA, IEEE TEM, JOCEC, WITS, ICIS
Current research: Business value of IT, Conversion behavior of online shopping, dynamic ridesharing
Recent papers:
1. Liwen Hou (2015). A Hierarchical Bayesian Network-Based Approach to keyword Auction. IEEE Trans. on Engineering Management, 62 (2), 217-225
2. Liwen Hou, Ling Xue, Son Ngoc Bui & William Kettinger (2016). System sourcing and information processing capability in supply chains: a study of small suppliers. Information Technology and Management, 17(4), 379-391
3. Liwen Hou, Dong Li, Dali Zhang. (2018). Ride-matching and routing optimisation: Models and a large neighbourhood search heuristic. Transportation Research Part E, 118, 143-162
4. Liwen Hou, Weijun Zheng. (2020). A Latent Class Regression Approach to IT Maintenance Outsourcing Service Management. IEEE Trans. on Engineering Management, 67(1), 81-91
5. Dali Zhang, Dong Li, Hailin Sun, Liwen Hou (2021). A vehicle routing problem with distribution uncertainty in deadlines. European Journal of Operational Research, , 292, 311-326.
6. Ilya Morozov, Stephan Seiler, Xiaojing Dong, Liwen Hou (2021). Estimation of Preference Heterogeneity in Markets with Costly Search. Marketing Science, Vol. 40, No. 5, 871–899.
《business value of information system》、《Ecommerce》、《management quantitative analysis》、《computer network》