
Zhibin JIANG

  • Department:Management Science
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 62932589
  • Title:Professor
  • Email:zbjiang@sjtu.edu.cn

     Professor JIANG Zhibin graduated with Ph. D. degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management form City University of Hong Kong in 1999. He is a selected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has been mainly engaged in the teaching and research of complex production and service system operation management, logistics and supply chain management, and industrial engineering innovation methodologies. He is now a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Management Science, Antai College of Economics and Management and the Dean of Sino-US Global Logistics Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He once served as the Dean of Academic Affairs Office (2007-2014) and the Dean of Industrial Engineering and Management Department (2001-2018) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2001-2018).

          He has undertaken or  in ongoing one  major project funded the China’s State Social Science Foundation, 10 NSFC projects (including 3 key projectsand more than 20 other national level projects. He has authored 5 books and published more than 340 papers including about 130 peer reviewed journal such as MS, OR, POMS, INFORMS JOC, IISE, IEEE TAC, OMEGA and EJOR etc.  He holds eight Chinses patents and computer software copyrights. He has also applied the above-mentioned theoretical research achievements in manufacturing and service industries China and have generated remarkable social and economic benefits. His project "Integrated logistics Service Mode and Key intelligent decision-making Technology" won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of China Logistics Purchasing Federation (ranked first) in 2023. He has laso been awarded the Humanities and Social Sciences Award of the Ministry of Education of China (the top Chinese award in social science) in 2020.

         Professor Jiang also made great achievement in teaching. He has surprised 37 Ph. D students and about 130 postgraduates. His five courses have been selected as the China’s national excellent courses; the teaching team of Industrial Engineering Core Courses with him as the leader was selected as the China National Teaching Team of MOE of China in 2010; and he has won the Prizes of the China’s National Teaching Achievement in 2009 and 2018 respectively; he won Shanghai Outstanding Teaching Award,  Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award and the Special Prize of the Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award in 2010 and 2015 respectively.

           Due to his outstanding research and teaching performance, he was selected as the Chair Professor of Chang Jiang Scholar Program of the Ministry of Education of China and the expert with special allowance from the State Council of China, both of which are the top China’s national talents prizes.

    Professor Jiang is also a leading figure in the field of IE and management science in China. He has or is taking several key academic positions in these fields, such as the vice president of the Chinese Industrial Engineering Society science 2013; the vice president of the Advisory Committee of Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program of Ministry of Education of China (MOE) since 2015; the member of the Steering Committee of Professional Master’s Degree Graduate Education in Engineering Management, the MOE  (2011-2015); and member of Advisory Committee of Management Science and Engineering Undergraduate Program of MOE (2011-2015). By taking above leading positions, he has played key roles in promoting academic exchange and educations in the domain of d IE in teaching improvement and educational reform in China. 

    Professor Jiang is a worldwide well-known scholar in the IE field. He was one of the only two scholars in China who have been elected to the Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) so far, the top international academic organization in the IE field. He also acted or is acting as associate editors of six international journals including the International Journal of Production Research and INFORMS journal of service science etc. He has also taken academic leadership in international IE field. He was the Reginal Vic President for Asia of IISE 2019-2022. He initiated the Beijing Chapter of IISE in 2006 and acted as its first president 2006-2008. By taking theses leadership, he has made great contribution in promoting the academic exchange and collaborative education in the IE field. He has also made many keynote speeches or taken key academic position on important international and domestic conference. He made key speeches on INFORMS on Service Science (ICSS) in 2021 and 2022 respectively, Global Logistics Technology Conference held by the Chinese Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in 2019-2022 respectively; and he 49th International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering, 2019. He was the co-chairs of 2022 IEEE CASEFrance; the Vice President of the 3rd IISE Asian Conference of IISE, 2013, Taipei, China; the Vice President of the 2nd IISE Asian Conference of, 2012, Singapore; and the Co-President, 1st IISE Asian Conference, 2011, Shanghai, China. 

  • Published 6 books and more than 340 papers, including the following top journal papers

    1)   Yangming Zhou, Chenhui Qu, Qinghua Wu,, Yawen Kou, Zhibin Jianga MengChu ZhouAbilevel hybriditerated search approachtosoft-clustered capacitated arc routing problemsTransportation Research PartB1842024 202944.

     2)  Qi Feng, Zhibin Jiang, Jue Liu J. George Shanthikumar, and Yang Yang, The Operational Data Analytic (ODA) for Service Speed Design, Management Science, Management Science, Articles in Advance, June, 2024.

    3)Niu, Yimeng; Wu, Jin*, Jiang, Shenyang, and Jiang, Zhibin*, The Bullwhip Effect in Servicized Manufacturers, Management Science,  Management Science,Published online in Articles in Advance 25 Apr 2024 . https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2023.0102.3.

    4)Liu, Kefei, Zhou, Liping and Jiang, Zhibin, Integrated Multi-Plant Collaborative Production, Inventory, and Hub-Spoke Delivery of Splittable Make-to-Order Products with Committed Delivery Dates, IISE Transactions, Online,  2023.

    5)Wang, Xiuxian; Hong, Jeff, Jiang, Zhibin, and Shen, Haihui, Gaussian Process Based Random Search for Continuous Optimization via Simulation, Operations Research, Online in Advance, pp. 1–23, August 1, 2023.

    6)Kangzhou Wang, Shouchang Chen, Zhibin Jiang*,   Weihua Zhou*, and Na Geng, Capacity Allocation of an Integrated Production and Service System, Production and Operations Management, 2021, 30(8): 2765-2781

    7)Liping Zhou, Na Geng*, Zhibin Jiang*, Shan Jiang, integrated multi-resource capacity planning and multi-type patient allocation scheduling, Journal on Computing, 2022, 34(1):129-149.

    8)Liping Zhou, Zhibin Jiang*, and Na Geng, Dynamic Multi-Type Patient Advance Scheduling for a Diagnostic Facility Considering Heterogeneous Waiting Time Targets and Equity, IISE, 2022, 546, 521-536

    9)Na GENG, Xiaolan XIE, Vincent AUGUSTO, Zhibin JIANG, Monte Carlo optimization and dynamic programming approach for managing MRI examinations of stroke patients. IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 56(11), 2011: 2515-2529;

    Representative scientific research fundings

    (1) 2020-2023: Research on the emergency coordinative mechanism and optimized scheduling method of regional medical resources for major public health emergencies, a major project funded the China’s State Social Science Foundation, PI, ongoing. (800,000 RMB)

    (2) 2021-2023, Media Group funding, Smart Logistics and Supply Chain Integration, PI, ongoing. (9 million RMB)

    (3) 2019-2024: the production and operation management theory and approach to intelligent manufacturing system (IMS), a key project funded the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI, ongoing. (239 million RMB)

    (4)2019-2022: Research on the new manufacturing and service integration modes and product- service configuration methods under information and communication technologies. Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China 7171142),  PI. (480,000RMB)

    (5) 2015-2019: Value Chain based integration and management of Healthcare Systems, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program, 71432006), PI, finished. (259 million RMB)

    (6)2016.1-2017.12Innovation Methods Framework and its application of lean hospital management, Special Fund on Innovation Method of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, PI, finished. (239 million RMB)

    (7) 2014-2017: Research on Multiple time-varying objective decision making and control of diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China (61374095), PI, finished. (800,000 RMB)

    (8)20010-2013: Research on Operation Mechanism and New Operation Management Methods of Service Oriented Manufacturing, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program, 70932004), PI finished. (120 million)

    (9)2011-2014: Automated scheduling software technology of IC production line, National Science and Technology major project, Principal Scientist and Co-PI, finished. (210million RMB)

    (10)2011-2014, Mission-oriented Systems Modelling for Megacity Sustainability, NFA (Singapore) CREATE Program, “Energy and Environmentally Sustainable Solution for Mega-cities “, Co-PI (with Dr LIU Xiao), finished. (115 million RMB/2150 million RMB).

    (11) 2009-2011: Multi-Domain Modelling and Assembly Platform for Virtual Experimental Teaching Components, Eleven-five National Plan of Scientific and Technological Support Key Projects, PI, finished. (149 million RMB)

    (12)2009-2011: Operations Management Optimization in Collaborative Logistic, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China70872077, PI, finished. (260,000 RMB)

    (13)2009-2011: Collaborative Regional Container Flow Management: Models and Systems Development, The Joint Research Grant for NSFC/RGC70831160527, PI, finished. (250,000 RMB)

    (14)2008-2010, Reconfigurable Modeling and Adaptation of Clinical Pathway Oriented Workflow, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China60774103, PI, finished. 340,000 RMB)

    (15)2007-2008: Research on Adaptive Scheduling of Large-scale Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing System, funded by China National Hi-Tech. Development Research Agenda, PI, finished. (800,000 RMB)

    (16)2005-2007: Research on Modeling Mechanism of the Large-scale Complex Re-entrant Manufacturing Systems, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China (50475027), PI, finished. (180,000 RMB)

    (17)2003- 2005: Research on adaptive production scheduling based on autonomy and coordination, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China (70271036), PI finished. (180,000RMB)

    (18)2001-2003: Research on methodology for modeling changeable manufacturing system using changeable Petri nets, Research Grant for Natural Science Foundation of China (50085003), PI, finished. (140,000 RMB)

  • Production Planning and Control(机械与动力工程学院工业工程专业本科课程)

    Operation Management (Antai College Ecomonics and Management
