
Guohua WAN

  • Department:Management Science
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 52301045
  • Title:Professor
  • Email:ghwan@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Guohua Wan is currently a Professor of Management Science in Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and his MSc and BS degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, respectively. Before joining Antai College of Economics and Management in 2007, he had been teaching and doing research at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of Macau and New York University.

    He currently serves as a Senoir Editor of Production and Operations Management (The flagship journal of POMS), and Associate Editor of Journal of Management Analytics (Taylor and Francis).

    He has been a reviewer for Operatoins Research, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, IISE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Scheduling, Decision Support Systems, among others.

  • Research Interests
    ●  Operations and Information Strategy

    ●  Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    ●  Healthcare Service Operations Management

    Prof. Wan has published more than sixty papers in such journals as Operations Research, Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Naval Research Logistics, IISE Transactions, and European Journal of Operational Research.

    Selected publications

    ●  Design of Patient Visit Itineraries in Tandem Systems. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2024, 26(3): 972-991 (with  N. Liu and S. Wang).

    ●  Treatment Planning of Victims with Heterogeneous Time-sensitivities in Mass Casualty Incidents. Operations Research, 2023, forthcoming (with Y. Shi and N. Liu).

    ●  Optimal Intraproject Learning. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2024, 26(2): 681-700 (with H. Cao, N. Hall and W. Zhao).

    ● Constant job-allowance policies for appointment scheduling: performance bounds and numerical analysis. Production and Operations Management, 2021, 30(7): 2211-2231 (with S. Zhou, Y. Ding and T. Huh).

    ● Managing appointment-based services in the presence of walk-in customers. Management Science, 2020, 66(2): 667-686 (with S. Wang and N. Liu).

    ● Integrated pricing and production scheduling of multiple customized products with a common base product. IISE Transactions, 2019, 51(12): 1383-1401 (with Q. Yue and Z-L. Chen).

    ● A note on appointment scheduling with piecewise linear cost functions. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2014, 39(4): 1244-1251 (with D. Ge, Z. Wang and J. Zhang).

    ● A cluster-based context-tree model for multivariate data streams with applications to anomaly detection. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2011, 23(3): 364-376 (with P. Brice and W. Jiang).

    ● Competitive two-agent scheduling and its applications. Operations Research, 2010, 58(2): 458-469 (with J. Y.-T. Leung and M. Pinedo).

    ● Scheduling with variable time slot costs. Naval Research Logistics, 2010, 57(2): 159-171 (with X. Qi).

  • Introduction to Management Science (Undergraduate)

    Operations Research (Undergraduate)

    Special Topics: Production Planning and Scheduling (Undergraduate)
    Designing and Managing Supply Chains (MBA)
    Management of Information Technology (IMBA)
    Deterministic Models in OR (MS/PHD)
    Stochastic Models in OR (MS/PHD)
    Business Research Methods (MS/PHD)

    Glabal Supply Chain Research (DBA)
