
Qingsheng WU

  • Department:Marketing
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 52301220
  • Title:Professor
  • Email:qswu@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Professor, Department of Marketing,
    Antai College of Economics & Management

    Ph.D. at Antai College of Economics & Management
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P. R. China

    MS.C  at Centre of Information Science
    Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China

  • Journal papers in English:
          1.        Wu, Qingsheng, Xueming Luo, Rebecca J. Slotegraaf and Jaakko Aspara (2015), "Sleeping with competitors: the impact of NPD phases on stock market reactions to horizontal collaboration," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43 (4), 490-511.

    2.        Zhang, Cheng, Chee Wei Phang, Qingsheng Wu (通讯作者) and Xueming Luo (2017), "Nonlinear Effects of Social Connections and Interactions on Individual Goal Attainment and Spending: Evidences from Online Gaming Markets," Journal of Marketing, 81 (6), 132-55.

    3.        Ismail, Kiran M., David L. Ford, Qingsheng Wu(通讯作者), and Mike W. Peng (2013), "Managerial ties, strategic initiatives, and firm performance in Central Asia and the Caucasus," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30 (2): 433-446.

    4.   Shen,Luxi, Christopher K. Hsee, Qingsheng Wu and Claire I. Tsai (2012), Overpredicting and Underprofiting in Pricing Decisions, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 25 (5): 512-521.


    Conference papers in Englihs:

    1.        Wu, Qingsheng and Linda Hui Shi (2016), “New Product Preannouncement: Timing & Frequency Strategies,” presentation and publication at the Competitive Track of 2016 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai.

    2.        Wu, Qingsheng and Linda Hui Shi (2013), “New Product Preannouncement: Timing & Frequency Strategies,” presentation and publication at the Competitive Track of American Marketing Association Winter Educator Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

    3.        Wu, Qingsheng, Xueming Luo; Rebecca Slotegraaf, and Yi Liu (2013). The Divergent Role of Collaboration in Affecting the Financial Returns to Innovation across Different Phases of the Innovation Process, presentation and publication at the Competitive Track of American Marketing Association Winter Educator Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

    4.        Wu, Qingsheng, Xueming Luo, and Yi Liu (2012), Collaborating with Business Partners for Higher New Product Value, International Conference on Globalization and Marketing Strategy, by Journal of Business Research

    5.        Qingsheng Wu, Ying Yu, City Brand Positioning in Urban Agglomeration: Samples of 8 cities in Yangtze River Delta, IEEE International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences 2009

    6.        Wu Qingsheng, Yu Ying, RESEARCH OF CITY BRAND POSITIONING -- Samples of 8 cities in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, 2008 Global Marketing Conference at Shanghai

    7.        Wu, Qingsheng, Bao, Rui, A Study on Excessive Competition of Chinese State-owned Duopoly Enterprises: Cases of China Telecom and China Netcom, 2nd International Conference on Chinese Enterprise Research, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, DEC 13-14, 2007. Proceedings of the international conference on chinese enterprise research 2007, 129-140, 2008  (CPCI-SSH)

  • Marketing Management
    Strategic Management
