Department of Marketing
In 2006, the Department of Marketing was formally established, which consists of two disciplines:Marketing and Strategic Management, and is responsible for training undergraduate, master's anddoctor's degree candidates of Business Administration (in Marketing Management). TheDepartment of Marketing has a strong faculty and outstanding academic achievements, attaches importance to discipline building and international development, and aims to train managementtalents with so
MoreUndergraduate courses: Marketing, Consumer Behavior, New Product Management, PricingStrategy, Modern Customer Relationship Management, Advertising & New Media, ChannelManagement (Class A), etc.
Postgraduate courses: Questionnaire Survey, Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior,Enterprise Strategic Management, Marketing Models, Intensive Reading of Marketing Frontiers,Intensive Reading of Strategic Marketing Frontiers, Special Topics on Consumer Behavior,Experimental Design, etc.
MBA courses: Market Game Analysis, Luxury Brand Management - From Design to Marketing,Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Customer Relationship Management, NewMedia Marketing, Consumer Behavior Analysis, Business Simulation, etc.
EMBA courses: Brand Innovation & Management, Marketing, etc.
The main research fields of the faculty include strategic marketing, consumer behavior, brandstrategy, and new media marketing.In the past five years (2015-2019), the faculty has presided over 11 projects of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), including 1 key project and 1 Outstanding YouthFund project, 4 other provincial and ministerial projects, and 16 horizontal projects. 116 academicpapers have been published in domestic and foreign journals, including 31 SCI/SSCI papers and84 CSSCI papers. Nearly 23 textbooks and works have been compiled, which have produced agood academic reputation and social influence. The faculty’s research results are published in topinternational journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research,Marketing Science, Strategic Management Journal, Psychological Science, and Journal ofInternational Business Studies. The Department pays attention to the close connection betweentheory and practice, and its papers and research reports have been reprinted or shared byPeople's Daily, Guang Ming Daily, Xinhua Digest, and other media.
The scientific research achievements of the faculty include one 1st prize and one 3rd prize ofExcellent Achievements in Humanities & Social Science by Ministry of Education, one 1st prizeand one 2nd prize of the Provincial & Ministerial Humanities & Social Science Award and oneOutstanding Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Science in Shanghai.
The industry research that the faculty focuses on and participates in include equipmentmanufacturing, food, luxury goods, industrial Internet, culture & tourism, new retail, etc. We focuson frontier fields and established the Luxury Goods Research Center and AI & MarketingResearch Center. In the past five years, the faculty has cooperated with Shanghai Bureau ofQuality and Technical Supervision, China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Exhibition Center, FordMotor, and other companies, and won 16 horizontal projects.
Undergraduate major: Business Administration (Marketing Management)
Master's major: Business Administration (Marketing Management);
Doctoral major: Business Administration (Marketing Management).
Employment Destinations of Bachelor’s & Master's Graduates (2017-2019)
Further studies: Columbia University, Northwestern University, University of Tokyo, TsinghuaUniversity, University of Hong Kong, Carnegie Mellon University, etc.
Internet & Communications: State Information Center, Huawei, Alibaba, ByteDance, Tencent, etc.
Consulting: Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, etc.
Finance: CITIC Securities, Guotai Junan Securities, CSC Financial, Bank of China, etc.
Employment Destinations of Doctoral Graduates (2017-2019)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Europe International Business School, ShanghaiInternational Studies University, Hubei University, State Information Center, Guotai JunanSecurities, Shanghai International Energy Exchange, Industrial Consumer Finance Co., Ltd, etc.
Contact us
Land address
No.1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai
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