- 系 别:信息、技术与创新系
- 办公电话:+86 (0)21 52302519
- 职 称:副教授
- 电子邮箱:luojf@sjtu.edu.cn
罗继锋,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院副教授,博士生导师,上海市“曙光学者”。他在中国人民大学、美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)分别获得学士、硕士和博士学位。主要研究领域包括电子商务、IT价值创造、数字化平台、智慧医疗。他荣获上海交通大学科研成果奖二等奖,上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类一等奖、二等奖,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖和三等奖。他的研究被MIS Quarterly,Information Systems Research,Naval Research Logistics,Journal of the Association of Information Systems等国际一流英文学术刊物接受发表。目前他担任国际期刊Information & Management副主编。
在MIS Quarterly,Information Systems Research,Naval Research Logistics,JAIS,Decision Support Systems,Information & Management 等学术刊物上发表了一系列研究论文,目前担任国际期刊Information & Management副主编,担任过国际期刊Electronic Commerce Research and Applications副主编。主持过2项国家自然科学基金项目,参与过多项自然科学基金项目,担任国家自然科学基金同行评议专家。
China Marketing International Conference,Best Paper,2016
安泰首届教师教学竞赛英文组, 三等奖,
已毕业:黄政、白伊贝、黄强、梁俏、Ara Cho、谢萍、何能锋、俞晓桐、陈璐、季珂
Panpan Wang, Liuyi He, Jifeng Luo, Zhiyan Wu, and Han Zhang (2024), "The Impact of Proximity on Physicians: Evidence from an Online Healthcare Community," Information Systems Research, Accepted.
Liuyi He, Jifeng Luo, Yisong Tang, Zhiyan Wu, and Han Zhang (2023), "Motivating User-Generated Content: The Unintended Consequences of Incentive Threshold," MIS Quarterly, 47(3), pp. 1015-1044.
Xin Hu, Jifeng Luo, and Zhiyan Wu (2022) “Conspicuous Display through Photo Sharing in Online Reviews: Evidence from an Online Platform,” Information & Management, 59(8), 103705.
Zhiyan Wu, and Jifeng Luo (2022) “Online Information Privacy and Price: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Tests,” Information & Management 59(2), 103583.
Jifeng Luo, Ying Rong, and Huan Zheng (2020) "Impacts of Logistics Information on Sales: Evidence from Alibaba". Naval Research Logistics, 67(8), pp. 646-669.
Haiyue Yu, Panpan Wang, Jifeng Luo, Huan Zheng, Jun Liu (2020) “Impacts of Congestion on Healthcare Outcomes:An Empirical Observation in China”. Journal of Management Analytics, 7(3) pp. 344-366.
Jifeng Luo, Han Zhang, and Haizheng Li (2018) "Pricing Strategies in Online Book Industry: A Comparative Study". Information Systems and e-Business Management,16(4), pp. 791-816.
Zhiyan Wu, Jifeng Luo, Jonathan E. Schroeder, Janet L. Borgerson (2017) "Forms of Inconspicuous Consumption:What Drives Inconspicuous Luxury Consumption in China?", Marketing Theory, 17(4), pp. 491-516.
Jifeng Luo, Ming Fan, Han Zhang (2016) "Information Technology, Cross-Channel Capabilities, and Managerial Actions: Evidence from the Apparel Industry", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17(5), pp. 308-327.
Jifeng Luo, Zhiyan Wu, Zheng Huang, Liping Wang (2016), “Relational IT Governance, Its Antecedents and Outcomes: A Study on Chinese Firms”, 2016 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 11-16, Dublin, Ireland.
Fan Bo, Jifeng Luo (2014) "Benchmarking scale of e-government stage in Chinese municipalities from government chief information officers' perspective," Information Systems and e-Business Management, 12(2), pp. 259-284.
Fan Bo, Jifeng Luo (2013) "Spatially enabled emergency event analysis using a multi-level association rule mining method" Natural Hazards, 67(2), pp. 239-260.
Jifeng Luo, Sulin Ba, Han Zhang (2012)"The Effectiveness of Online Shopping Characteristics and Well-Designed Websites on Satisfaction," MIS Quarterly, 36(4), pp.1131-1144.
Jifeng Luo, Ming Fan, Han Zhang (2012) "Information Technology and Organizational Capabilities: A Longitudinal Study of the Apparel Industry," Decision Support Systems, 53(1), pp.186-194.
Xianfeng Zhang, Jifeng Luo (2012) "Do Different Reputation Systems Provide Consistent Signals of Seller Quality? A Canonical Correlation Investigation of Chinese C2C Marketplaces," Electronic Markets, 22(3), pp.155-168.
Haizheng Li and Jifeng Luo (2008), “Industry Consolidation and Price: Evidence from the U.S. Linerboard Industry," Journal of Forest Economics, 14, pp. 93-115.
Haizheng Li, Jifeng Luo, and Patrick McCarthy (2006), "Economic Transition a emand Pattern: Evidence from China's Paper and Paperboard Industry," China Economic Review, 17(3), pp. 321-336.
Working Papers:Proximity Influence in Adopting an Online Healthcare Platform
Bridging the Gap? A Nautural Experiment of Online Booking of Healthcare Services
"E-Commerce", Shanghai Jiao Tong University"
"Introduction to E-Commerce", Shanghai Jiao Tong University
"Digital Marketing", Shanghai Jiao Tong University
"Business Data Communication", Shanghai Jiao Tong University
"Academic Writing, Ethics, and Methodology", Shanghai Jiao Tong University