1. Haibing Shu and V. Brian Viard, The Dynamic Role of Subnational Regions in Firm Performance, Journal of Management Studies, Forthcoming
2. Ran Duchin, Zhenyu Gao, and Haibing Shu, The Role of Government in Firm Outcomes, Review of Financial Studies, 2020, 33(12), 5555-5593.
3. Haibing Shu and Sonia M.L. Wong, When a Sinner Does a Good Deed: The Path Dependence of Reputation Repair, Journal of Management Studies, 2018, 55(5), 770-808.
4. Laura Xiaolei Liu, Haibing Shu, and KC John Wei, The Impacts of Political Uncertainty on Asset Prices: Evidence from the Bo Scandal in China, Journal of Financial Economics, 2017, 125(2), 286-310.
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3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目(71790592),互联网背景下金融产品/服务创新、风险及其定价理论,2018-2022,参与
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