4. Short-Selling Pressure and Workplace Safety: Curbing Short-Termism Through Stakeholder Interdependencies. With Cuili Qian, Donal Crilly, Yupeng Lin, and Rengong Zhang. 2023. Organization Science, 34(1): 358-379.
3. Do Philanthropic Auditors Provide High-Quality Audit Services? Evidence from China. With Dan Li, Zhifeng Yang, and Min Zhang. 2022. The International Journal of Accounting, 57(3): 2250014.
2. 政治资源有助于城市商业银行“走出去”吗——来自城商行跨区域经营的经验证据. 系统工程理论与实践, 2018, 38(04): 873-884. 与张敏、童丽静合作.
1. Bank Ownership and Dynamic Capital Structure Adjustment of Firms: Evidence from China. With Sheng Zhang, and Min Zhang. 2016. China Journal of Accounting Studies, 4(2): 143-164. 中文版受邀发表于:银行关联与企业资本结构动态调整. 会计研究, 2017, (02): 49-55+97.