
Jingqiu CHEN

  • Department:Organization Management
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 52301240
  • Title:Professor
  • Email:chenjingqiu@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Dr. Chen Jingqiu is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Organization Management at the Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She obtained her Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from Peking University in 2007 and has been with Shanghai Jiao Tong University since then. In 2011, she was a visiting scholar at the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She was also a Fulbright Research Scholar from 2016-2017 and conducted collaborative research at the Department of Psychology at George Mason University. Dr. Chen has been awarded the Shanghai Jiao Tong University CHENXING Young Scholar Award multiple times (2009, 2012, 2019) and has received several teaching awards, including the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Candlelight Teaching Award, Teaching and Educating Award, Most Popular Teacher Award, Most Popular Course Team, and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Teaching Rookie Award. Her course "Management Psychology" was designated as a key course by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission in 2017, while "Psychology and Behavior" was designated as a first-class undergraduate course by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission in 2020.

    Dr. Chen's research interests include employee motivation and turnover, team learning and intervention, stress and well-being, and other related topics. Her research has been published in prestigious academic journals, including FT journals and top-tier applied psychology journals such as Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Business Ethics, and International Journal of Human Resource Management. Her research has also been published in notable domestic journals, including Advances in Psychological Science, Management World, Journal of Systems & Management, and China Human Resource Development. Her academic papers have been recognized as the best papers in the organizational behavior field by the Academy of Management Conference (2016, 2023) and as excellent papers of the year by the China Human Resource Development Journal in 2018. Dr. Chen is the principal investigator of multiple National Natural Science Foundation of China projects and responsible for sub-projects of key projects. She is a member of the Decision Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society (2014-2021) and the Applied Social Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Social Psychology (2018-present). Additionally, she is a member of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, and the International Association of Chinese Management Studies. Dr. Chen also provides peer review services for multiple domestic and international academic journals.


  • Research Interest

    Team intervention and stress management, Job embeddedness and turnover, psychological adjustment and wellbeing


    Lead PI, Prediction and intervention on Chinese migrant workers' working withdrawal. National Natural Science Foundation of China (72071129). 2021~2024.

    Lead PI, Chinese migrant workers' multi-facet embeddedness and turnover. National Natural Science Foundation of China (71571118). 2016~2019

    Co-PI, Chinese new-generation employees and human resource diversity management. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program). (71132003). 2011~2015.

    Lead PI, The effects of Chinese Holistic Thinking on Judgment and Choice. National Natural Science Foundation of China (70901051). 2010-2012.

    Lead PI, Prediction bias and happiness in career, Shanghai Education Committee Fund, 2011~2015.


    Chen, J.*, Tetrick, L. E., Fan, Q., Zhu, Z. (2022). SIE identity strain, job embeddedness and expatriate outcomes: Within-domain and spillover buffering effects of off-the-job relationship building. The international Journal of Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2022.2142479

    Wang, C., Havewala, M., Cheong, Y., & Chen, J.* (2022). Cybervictimization, mental health literacy and depressive symptoms among college students: A cross-cultural investigation. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-03357-8

    Chen, J., Tang, L., & Wu, C. (2022). Holistic thinking and risk-taking perceptions reduce risk-taking intentions: Ethical, financial, and healthy/safety risks across genders and cultures. Asian Journal of Business Ethics. DOI: 10.1007/s13520-022-00152-3 

    Li, J., Fang, Y., Song, Y., Chen, J., & Wang, M. (2019). Effects of family encouragement on migrant workers' return-to-hometown intention and turnover: The moderating role of career-related concerns. Career Development International, 25, 165-185.

    Chen, J., Bamberger, P., Song, Y., & Vashdi, D. (2018). Team reflexivity and emotional wellbeing in manufacturing teams: The mediating effects of job demands control and support, and the moderating effects of team membership stability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103 (4), 443-462.

    Tang, N., Chen, J., Zhang, K., & Tang, L. (2018). Monetary wisdom: How do investors use love of money to frame stock volatility and enhance stock happiness? Journal of Happiness Studies, 19 (6), 1831-1862.

    Chen, J., Wang, L., & Tang, N. (2016). Half the sky: The moderating role of cultural collectivism in job turnover among Chinese female workers. Journal of Business Ethics, 133, 487-498.

    Chen, J., Tang, T. L., & Tang, N. (2014). Temptation, monetary intelligence (love of money), and environmental context on unethical intention and cheating. Journal of Business Ethics, 123, 197-219.

    Hsee, C. K., Shen, L., Zhang, S., Chen, J., & Zhang, L. (2012). Fate or fight: Exploring the hedonic costs of competition. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119, 177-186.                

    Chen, J., Wang, L., Huang, M.,& Spenscer-Rodgers, J. (2012). Naive dialecticism and Chinese employees' commitment to change. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(1), 48-70.

    Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2011). Cross-industrial examination of commitment to change scale, Psychological Reports, 108(3), 963-976.

    Hsee, C. K., Hastie, R., & Chen, J. (2008). Hedonomics: Bridging decision research with happiness research. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3, 224-243.

    Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2007). Locus of control and the three components of commitment to change. Personality and Individual Differences, 42, 503-512.

    Hsee, C. K., Wang, J., & Chen, J. (2008). Hedonomics. China Citic Press, Beijing.

    Vashdi, D., Chen, J., & Bamberger, P. (2020). Buffering COVID-related negative emotional stages through pre-lockdown team interdependence and social support. Presented in OB "Rapid Research" Plenary: COVID-19 and Organizational Behavior, AOM vitual annual meeting.

    Chen, J. Bamberger, P., Vashdi, D., & Song, Y. (2016). Team reflexivity and burnout. Presented in AOM conference, best paper in OB session. 

    Chen, J. (2009). Researches on Chinese thinking style and their implication. Presented at IFSAM (International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management) XIIIth World Congress, Nanjing, China.

    Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2008). Cross-Industrial Examination of the Dimensionality of Commitment to Organizational Change Scale in the People’s Republic of China. Presented at The 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA.

    Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2008). The relationship among job stressor, job stress and attitude toward organizational change. Presented at The 2008 National Academic Conference of Industrial Psychology, Beijing, China.

    Chen, J., Wang, L. & Ma, S. (2004). “A synthetic method for better prediction of turnover”, Presented at XXVIII International Conference of Psychology, Beijing, China.

    Chen, J., Wang, L. & Ma, S. (2004). “The structure of the factors influencing turnover”, Presented at the Inaugural Conference of IACMR, Beijing, China.

  • Undergraduate: Psychology and Behavior, Managerial Psychology

    MBA: Organizational Behavior, Stress and Conflict Management

    Doctor students: Questionnaire Survey
