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- Department:Management Science
- Phone:+86 (0)21 52301193
- Title:Professor
- Email:mdong@sjtu.edu.cn
Prof. Dong received his Ph.D. on Industrial & Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2001. He was a Research Specialist at the University of Illinois at Chicago during 2003 and 2004, and senior visiting scholar at Massachusettes Institute of Technology during 2006.
Currently, Prof. Dong is the Associate Dean of Antai College of Economics & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Academic Director of CLGO (China Leaders for Global Operations), and Associate Director of Transportation & Logistics committee of Shanghai Operations Research Society. He was elected by 2009 Shanghai "Shuguang Scholar"; 2007 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China, 2007 Shanghai "White Yulan Magnolia Scholar", and 2005 Shanghai "Pujiang talent" Program.
* Associate Director of Transportation & Logistics committee of Shanghai Operations Research Society
* Member of Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE)
* Member of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
* Member of Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
Prof. Dong has more than 20-years research experiences on supply chain management, industrial & systems engineering, service science & engineering, advanced manufacturing systems. In United States, he took part in several NSF projects (including NSF Presidential Faculty Fellow Awards), NIST project, projects by joint NSF and Air Force Research Labs, and Chicago Environment Protection Agency projects. As the principal investigator, Prof. Dong also finished several NSFC projects, State High Tech 863 projects, and projects granted by Intel corporation. His research interests are in supply chain/logistics management, service science & engineering, and production optimization & scheduling. He is a member of IIE, INFORMS and SME. He has won many awards and honors for his research and has published extensively in respected scholarly journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing and Computer-A Design.
Major Research Projects:
* Multi-scale Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Energy Supply Chains, fu by National Science Foundation of China, Principal Investigator (Jan. 2009 - Dec., 2011).
* Modeling and Optimization Decisions for Flexible Product Platform-based Evolvable Complex Supply Chain Networks, fu by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China, Principal Investigator (Jan. 2008 - Dec., 2010).
* Multi-scale Modeling and Optimization for Distributed Multi-entrant Complex Manufacturing Systems, fu by State 863 Program of China, Principal Investigator (Jan. 2008 - Dec., 2010).
* Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Robust and Lean Supply Chains, fu by National Science Foundation of China, Principal Investigator (Jan. 2006 - Dec., 2008).
* Time-Space Network based Optimization and Management of Stochastic Milkrun Logistics Systems, fu by Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, Principal Investigator (Sept. 2007 - Aug. 2008).
* Simulation-based Optimization of Large-scale Systems Under Uncertainties, fu by Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, Principal Investigator (Dec. 2005 - Sept. 2007).
* DL (Direct Labor) Productivity Improvement and Cross-training for Robust Performance, fu by Intel Product Ltd., Principal Investigator (Jan. 2008 - Dec., 2008).
* Flexible and Optimal Manufacturing Layout Design System, fu by Intel Product Ltd., Principal Investigator (Jan. 2006 - Dec., 2007).
Books (Chapters) and Major Publications:[1] M. Dong, Supply Chain Design: Process Modeling, Risk Analysis and Performance Optimization (in Chinese), Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2010, sponsored by National Science & Technology Publshing Foundation.
[2] G.H. Han, M. Dong and S.X. Liu, Yield and allocation management in a continuous make-to-stock system with demand upgrade substitution, International Journal of Production Economics, 156, 2014, pp.124-131.
[3] Y.F. Wu, M. Dong and Z.N. Zheng, Patient scheduling with periodic deteriorating maintenance on single medical device, Computers & Operations Research, 49(1), 2014, pp.107-116.
[4] Q.H. Zhang, M. Dong, Supply chain coordination with trade credit and quantity discount incorporating default risk, International Journal of Production Economics, 153, 2014, pp.352-360.
[5] M. Dong, Parallel Machine Scheduling with Limited Controllable Machine Availability, International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2013, pp.2240-2252.
[6] M. Dong and F.L. He, 2012, A Continuous Model for Multiple Re-entrant Manufacturing Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, 223(3), pp.659-668.
[7] X.F. Shao and M. Dong, Supply disruption and reactive strategies in an assemble-to-order supply chain with time-sensitive demand, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(2), 2012, pp.201-212.
[8] Y.F. Wu, M. Dong and S.X. Liu, 2012, Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain Networks with Assembly Structure Under System Disruptions, Computers & Operations Research, 39(12), pp.3229-3243.
[9] M. Dong, F.L. He and Z.G. Wu, 2011, Optimal Control of Continuum Model for Single-product Re-entrant Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Research, 49(21), pp.6363-6385.
[10] M. Dong and D. He, Hidden Semi-Markov Model Based Methodology for Multi-Sensor Equipment Health Diagnosis and Prognosis, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 178, n.3, 2007, pp.858-878.
[11] M. Dong and F. F. Chen, Performance Modeling and Analysis of Integrated Logistic Chains: An Analytic Framework, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 162, no.1, 2005, pp.83-98.
Nation Premier Course
Production Planning & Control
Bachelor Course
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
MBA Courses
Advanced Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Mechanical Assembly & Its Role in Product Design
Graduate Courses
Operations Management
Decision Theory & Methods