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"Embracing Growth, Cherishing Origins"–A Successful Lecture by ACEM Alumni Chen Hong 2023-10-25

On the afternoon of October 20th, a highly influential Chinese-Spanish woman, Chen Hong, from the 1980 cohort of ACEM Undergraduate Alumni, CEO of Optimus Horizon, Founder and Honorary President of the Chinese Association in Spain, held her lecture titled "Embracing Growth, Cherishing Origins" at Antai College of Economics and Management, room A509. The event was gracefully attended by the Dean of Antai College of Economics and Management, Chen Fangruo, and was moderated by the Associate Dean, Sang Dawei.


Dean Chen Fangruo kicked off the event with a warm welcome address. He expressed his happiness to have alumna Chen Hong back ‘home’ and reminisced about their intersecting paths during their educational journey at Jiao Tong University. He gave a brief introduction to alumna Chen Hong's impressive life journey, showcasing his admiration for her.


Alumna Chen Hong expressed her gratitude for the warm invitation and reception from the college. She unfolded her lecture by discussing topics such as the socio-economic landscape of Spain, breaking through the glass ceiling for women in the workforce, and the significant impact Jiao Tong University had on her life.


Starting with a historical and cultural overview of Spain, Chen Hong delved into Spain’s connections with Latin America and North African countries, as well as the cultural differences between Spain and China. She hoped to use her own experiences to help more people understand Spain and consider Spanish companies as potential opportunities for career development.


Drawing from her work experience at a Spanish telecommunications company, Chen Hong shared her thoughts on how women can break the 'glass ceiling' in the workplace. She emphasized the importance of patience, credibility building, and maintaining a good reputation over time. She encouraged the audience to seize opportunities to showcase their abilities, without being overly silent or overly eager for quick success. Her message was clear: leverage your strengths and expertise to break through the ‘glass ceiling’.


Reflecting on her time at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chen Hong remarked that those were the happiest and most transformative years of her life, laying a solid foundation for her further studies abroad and her professional career. She expressed her joy at seeing her alma mater's growing international influence and encouraged current students to cherish their time at Jiao Tong, as well as the relationships with their teachers and peers, and to utilize the resources available to them. She urged everyone to remember the school motto, "When drinking water, think of its source; love your motherland and bring honor to your alma mater," and to become valuable talents for the nation and society.


During the interactive Q&A session, the audience eagerly engaged with Chen Hong, asking questions and seeking advice based on their own learning and working experiences. Chen Hong, drawing from her extensive life experience, provided detailed answers, leaving the audience inspired.


The lecture concluded to the sound of warm applause, with many expressing how enriching and beneficial they found the session. Chen Hong’s insightful sharing provided a clearer understanding of personal growth pathways, inspiring confidence that the audience will continue to uphold the spirit of "Embracing Growth, Cherishing Origins," striving for excellence and overcoming challenges in their future endeavors.