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2023 Management Discipline High-Quality Development Forum Successfully Convened 2023-11-24

The "2023 Management Discipline High-Quality Development Forum" was grandly held in Shanghai from November 18 to 20, 2023. Hosted by the Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and organized by the Journal of Management Analytics (JMA), the forum witnessed the attendance of more than 30 distinguished scholars, business school deans, and journal editors from 23 universities including Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.


(Group Photo of the "2023 Management Discipline High-Quality Development Forum")

The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Wu Wenfeng, Director of the Humanities Division at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Professor Gu Feng, Executive Deputy Secretary of the SJTU Party Committee, addressed the assembly via video. On behalf of the university, Secretary Gu extended a warm welcome to the guests and faculty and expressed heartfelt congratulations for the achievements of JMA over the past ten years. He reviewed the century-long history of the management discipline at SJTU, emphasized its significance in today's society, and looked forward to valuable insights from the experts present for the development of management disciplines in China.

Professor Chen Fangruo, Dean of Antai College of Economics and Management, delivered a speech on-site, sharing insights into the construction of management disciplines. Starting from the origins of business schools, Dean Chen noted that training professional management talent for enterprises was the founding context of business schools. He encouraged management scholars to remember the original intent of generating theory to solve significant challenges faced by enterprises, maintain an open mindset, and intertwine academic and industry knowledge to focus on important practical issues. This approach would refine scientific questions and publish the best results in top-tier journals.

Professor Tan Yi, Director of the SJTU Journal Center, gave a speech emphasizing that beyond pursuing quantitative indicators, truly high-quality academic journals play a vital role in showcasing excellent research, supporting young talent growth, and promoting academic exchanges. Director Tan congratulated JMA on its tenth anniversary and expressed high hopes for the journal's next decade.

Dean Chen Fangruo, Director Wu Wenfeng, Director Tan Yi, JMA Editor-in-Chief Professor Li Yuan, and JMA Executive Deputy Editor Professor Wan Guohua, along with other leaders, witnessed the ceremony celebrating the "Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of the Journal of Management Analytics and its Publication in China." They commemorated JMA's past achievements and pledged commitment to its future development.

Over the past ten years, with strong support from the university and the college, and through the tireless efforts of the editorial board and team, JMA has become an academically influential journal. As the founding editor of JMA, Professor Li Yuan from Antai College of Economics and Management, reminisced about the inception of JMA, which began planning in 2012 to enhance the international profile of the Management Science and Engineering discipline. He also expressed sincere gratitude to colleagues and departments at home and abroad, the editorial team, reviewers, and authors. The JMA team will continue to adhere to its founding principles and strive to make JMA a truly international standard publication.


The forum featured keynote speeches from three expert scholars, providing an academic feast for attendees. The keynote session was chaired by Professor Cai Fengyan, Vice Dean of Antai College of Economics and Management.


Professor Wang Shouyang from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences presented a talk titled "Several Stories about Innovation Research and Journal Development in Management/Economics." Through six cases, Professor Wang straightforwardly and profoundly discussed the academic research's importance for the growth of academic journals and the critical roles they play in popularizing academic theory, nurturing talent, encouraging original research, leading industry development, and competing for international discourse.


Professor Xu Fei, Executive Vice President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, spoke on "Empowering Strategic Leadership in the AGI Era." Starting with the risks and challenges brought by artificial intelligence, Professor Xu discussed the crucial "non-codable abilities" in the VUCA and BANI eras and shared his understanding and insights on systemic thinking and cycle-traversing abilities, shining with the brilliance of wisdom.


Professor Wang Fan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Sun Yat-sen University, spoke on "Building the Discipline of Business Administration to Meet the Country's Major Needs." Secretary Wang shared Sun Yat-sen University's experience in organizing research and teaching based on the nation's significant demands in the construction of business administration disciplines, which is very instructive for other universities. Sun Yat-sen University fully utilizes its strengths to create key construction areas, strengthens the role of party building in discipline construction, and optimizes the distribution of disciplines across five campuses.


The forum featured three parallel sessions discussing the mutual promotion and talent cultivation between management discipline development and journal development, including:


Session One on Journal and Discipline Construction

Session Two on Journal Quality Improvement

Session Three on Journals and Talent Growth


Additionally, the forum extended activities with face-to-face sessions with renowned scholars and chief editors of "C" journals, held on the afternoon of November 18 and the morning of November 20 at Antai College of Economics and Management, SJTU. Professor Fu Ke and Professor Zhang Yulin conducted intimate discussions with young faculty and doctoral students, sharing their academic journey and insights. Professor Xiong Xiong delivered a report titled "Comparative Analysis of Some Domestic and International Management Science Academic Journals," sharing his experiences in journal management.


The three-day event saw participating experts and scholars from their respective fields and institutions contribute ideas and suggestions, playing a significant role in establishing a positive cycle between academic discipline construction and journal development.


This event provided a high-level platform for exchange among top domestic management disciplines and outstanding management journals, contributing Antai's strength to building an academic community in the field of management.