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SJTU's MTT Program Named "Innovative Practice Project" of the Year at China Business School Awards 2023-11-15

On November 8, 2023, the 11th Tencent Business School Development Forum and the Annual Summit on Professional Degree Education, themed "New Life and Integration," was successfully held in Beijing. This year's forum gathered nearly 200 attendees including industry decision-makers, leaders, academic experts, innovation pioneers, and representatives from educational institutions. Together, they offered suggestions for the high-quality and sustainable development of higher education.


During the annual business school awards segment, Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Master of Technology Transfer (MTT) program was recognized as the "Innovative Practice Project" of 2023 for its innovative curriculum design and leading-edge program concept.


2023 China Business School Innovative Practice Project


CHEN Jianke, Director of the Industry-Education Integration Development Center at the China-BOC Institute of Technology and Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, attended the forum as a guest. During the roundtable dialogue on the theme "Technology Innovation Leading New Developments in Management Education for the Digital Age," he shared significant insights. CHEN stated that the center is responsible for operating the Master of Technology Transfer (MTT) and the MBA in Technology Finance. The original intention behind the design of these postgraduate degree programs is to deeply link with the industry, which is the direction for the future.

CHEN Jianke.png

CHEN Jianke speaks at the industry dialogue session

About the Master of Technology Transfer (MTT) Program

In October 2021, Shanghai Jiao Tong University was approved to offer the nation's first "Master of Technology Transfer" degree, with the program conducted by the China BOC School of Technology and Finance in collaboration with the Antai College of Economics and Management. The MTT program's mission is to "cultivate global leaders in science and innovation for the future industrial development," redefining "technology transfer" with a focus on technology strategy planning and innovation financing. It primarily serves key national development industries such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, electronic information, life and health, automotive, high-end equipment, and advanced materials, addressing the talent shortage in these fields.


Combining the strengths of Shanghai Jiao Tong University's disciplines and gathering top resources from the industry, the MTT program aims to develop leaders who have a systemic grasp of technology transfer theories and knowledge of science and innovation enterprise financing. It nurtures talents capable of technology strategic planning, commercialization of cutting-edge technologies, integration of science and finance, and specific industry research analysis. The program provides robust support for the construction of a "powerful country in science and technology."