
  • Amazon in China

    • 案例编号: 毅伟案例库9B21M062
    • 更新日期: 2021-7-13
    • 作者:Ning Su、董明、Amy Ni、Anna Fu
    • 长度(页数): 14

    Amazon.com Inc. (Amazon), the Seattle-based e-commerce giant, leaped into China with a buyout of Joyo.com Limited, China’s largest online book, music, and video retailer, in 2004. Amazon had the ambition of becoming the dominant online retailer in China by capitalizing on its globally recognized brand, cutting-edge technologies, and advanced business model and philosophy. In the following years, China’s e-commerce industry experienced exponential growth, representing a golden opportunity for technology firms. For Amazon, however, many challenges started to surface, including intense competition from Alibaba Group Holding Limited and JD.com Inc., which limited Amazon’s growth. In 2018, as China’s e-commerce industry quickly became one of the world’s largest, Amazon had to determine what its next steps should be.

  • Huluwa Technology Co., Ltd.: The Children’s Smart Watch

    • 案例编号: 毅伟案例库9B20D025
    • 更新日期: 2020-11-30
    • 作者:荣鹰、Stephan Vachon、Xiaojing Feng
    • 长度(页数): 4

    Huluwa Technology Co. Ltd. (Huluwa) was a small manufacturer of children’s smart watches in China. The company’s smart watches could be monitored by parents in real time through an application installed on their phones. The product design, application development, raw material procurement, and cloud service were all operated by Huluwa, while production was outsourced to a factory. Huluwa mainly relied on its offline channels to sell products. In April 2016, looking back at the first-quarter data for the year, the company’s operations director noted that Huluwa had sold and delivered 150,000 units to its distributors while it had produced 200,000 units. Puzzled by that gap, he was also worried about the production capacity stretch imposed on the contract manufacturer. How could the company manage continuing growth for the product?

  • Goodbaby Group: The upfront warehouse decision

    • 案例编号: 毅伟案例库9B20D018
    • 更新日期: 2020-8-11
    • 作者:郑欢、Yuanzheng Ma、Du Chen,Stephan Vachon
    • 长度(页数): 6

    Jinrun Li, chief operating officer for Goodbaby Group (Goodbaby), had to make a decision about opening a new store in a high-end mall in Shanghai, China. Goodbaby was going to manage the store for one of its clients, who had its own specifications for the dimensions and product range of the store. However, the floor space available was too small to accommodate the preferred proposal from Goodbaby’s marketing department. Based on a recent pilot project, Li considered adopting a new supply chain structure that would allow for reduced floor space while complying with the client’s specifications. The new supply chain structure involved an upfront warehouse that would increase the speed of store replenishments and act as a buffer between the regional warehouse and the store. Looking at the data, Li wondered if this new structure would be the solution for the proposed new store.

  • 邻里中心,家门口的幸福

    • 案例编号: 上海MBA课程案例库GM-20-727
    • 更新日期: 2020-6-30
    • 作者:吕巍、周雨薇
    • 长度(页数): 26


    关键字: 社区商业 消费升级 商业模式 零售 资产证券化 新零售
  • 风口上的猪,还能飞多久?——小米的高端化之困和生态圈之利

    • 案例编号: 上海MBA课程案例库MKT-20-716
    • 更新日期: 2020-6-30
    • 作者:王良燕、柯佳宁
    • 长度(页数): 16


    关键字: 品牌定位 智能手机 生态圈 物联网 新零售
  • China Eastern's World-class Dream: Shanghai-based Globalization

    • 案例编号: 9B19A057
    • 更新日期: 2019-12-9
    • 作者:李杰、Xin(Shane)Wang
    • 长度(页数): 8

    As one of China’s top three major state-owned air transportation companies, China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (China Eastern) had built an international brand image with a global influence. With the airline’s unique Shanghai-based globalization, China Eastern’s strategy remained focused on expanding its global footprint. In the face of growing competition from domestic and international rivals, China Eastern strove to carry out cross-border business, strengthen its co-operation with partners in the aviation industry, and accelerate its globalization process. Over the past three years, China Eastern had introduced its “Pacific Plan” and made concerted efforts in expanding its route network and optimizing transit opportunities in the North American market. With the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government), what strategy should China Eastern use to continue to expand its Shanghai-based globalization?

  • 樊登读书:新互联网时代的企业增长奇迹

    • 案例编号: 中国管理案例共享中心ESPM-0345
    • 更新日期: 2019-10-17
    • 作者:井润田、郭俊杰、张一驰
    • 长度(页数): 17


    关键字: 网络知识社群 精益创业 互联网创业 可持续增长 2019百优案例
  • Shanghai Shine-link International Logistics: Lean Supply Chain Management

    • 案例编号: 毅伟案例库9B19M068
    • 更新日期: 2019-7-16
    • 作者:吕巍、Jianfeng Chai、Kenny Hang
    • 长度(页数): 16

    In September 2017, the chairman and the president of Shanghai Shine-Link International Logistics Co. Ltd. were considering their company’s future. The company was established in May 2001. After more than 16 years of rapid development, it became a leading information technology empowered logistics provider, offering high value-added services, with the lean management and innovation capabilities of modern logistics enterprises. In September 2017, it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange main board. The management team had to reconsider the company’s next steps for growth. The two men realized it was time to convene the board of directors to consider the company’s future. With so many opportunities and risks in front of them, good decision-making was essential to their prospects.

  • 海信的成长:技术立信

    • 案例编号: 上海MBA课程案例库OMS-19-579
    • 更新日期: 2019-6-30
    • 作者:董明、韩广华
    • 长度(页数): 17


    关键字: 技术驱动 转型 价值链重构 产业生态体系 木桶理论
  • Lyfen:Building a supply chain to create competitive advantage

    • 案例编号: 毅伟案例库9B19D007
    • 更新日期: 2019-5-17
    • 作者:尹海涛、Ruiyu Zhu、P.Fraser Johnson
    • 长度(页数): 11

    This case describes the journey of a Chinese snack food company, LYFEN, as it developed supply-chain processes and capabilities to compete successfully in a highly competitive market. It provides detailed information about LYFEN’s quality-control processes and supply-chain management practices. A particularly interesting aspect of the case is the challenges faced by the company to deliver on customer expectations for food safety and the associated implications for brand image. The question of concern for the company president was how she could keep up with a quickly expanding market while ensuring quality through supply-chain management.

  • Their grass is greener!Pay conflict at Yuanbao Education Group

    • 案例编号: 毅伟案例库9B19C014
    • 更新日期: 2019-4-26
    • 作者:Ann Peng、姜红玲、Bing Qian Liang
    • 长度(页数): 15

    At the end of 2017, the human resources director at Yuanbo Education Group, a fast-growing educational service enterprise located in Shanghai, China, was struggling to calm down the managers, who were complaining about their salaries. Managers of the established business units were paid a relatively lower base salary but often with a sizable bonus tied to a revenue target. In contrast, the new hires for the recently established business units were paid a much higher base pay but with little or no bonus available. Both veteran and new managers were dissatisfied with their pay structure. The human resources director knew that he needed to take action soon. But what should he do and where should he start?

  • 魏则西之死:中国商业何时才能凤凰涅槃?

    • 案例编号: 上海MBA课程案例库ESR-18-544
    • 更新日期: 2018-10-1
    • 作者:尹海涛、罗继锋
    • 长度(页数): 15

    魏则西之死和他的问题“人性最大的恶是什么”是2016年中国最受关注的公众事件之一。该案例回顾了这个事件的始末;描述了百度“竞价排名”搜索和自然搜索方式的不同;记录了事件前后有关“网络推广行为”所应当适用法律的争论;记录了关于百度在该事件中应承担责任的讨论;并描述了百度在该事件后所受的影响及其战略调整。案例本身注重事实描述而不是价值评判。 本案例可用于商业伦理、企业社会责任、电子商务和市场营销等相关课程。教学目标有两方面:首先,激发学生的批判性思考,鼓励学生讨论如何界定商业道德和企业社会责任;如何协调这些价值取向与企业利润取向之间的关系。第二,在课堂讨论企业社会责任分析框架的基础上,鼓励学生思考企业应当如何与各利益相关者有效互动,以增强其合法性。 该案例在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院EMBA《商业伦理和可持续发展》课程的教学中使用两年,收到非常好的教学效果。

    关键字: 魏则西 百度 社会责任 商业伦理 电子商务