讲座:Mergers and Mismatches in the Labor Market for Creativity 发布时间:2024-12-25
题 目:Mergers and Mismatches in the Labor Market for Creativity
嘉 宾: 石 克 PhD. Candidate 加州理工学院
主持人: 喻 洋 副教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院
时 间:2025年 1 月 2日(周四)8:30-10:00
地 点:线上 ,若需腾讯会议链接请联系sunjin@sjtu.edu.cn
This paper introduces a novel empirical framework to assess the impact of ownership consolidation on labor markets, addressing growing concerns about labor market power. I develop a two-sided matching model tailored to the creative labor force, a segment characterized by strong worker-firm compatibility. Applying this model to a major merger in the US publishing industry, I leverage rich text data to analyze its effects on the author labor market. Counterfactual merger simulations reveal a trade-off between efficiency gains, creative misalignment, and redistributive effects. Although the merger alleviated capacity constraints, post-merger integration resulted in significant creative misalignment between authors and publishers. The merger also triggered substantial value transfers from competing publishers and authors to the merged entity, with established authors bearing the heaviest losses. Notably, the merger's anticompetitive effects manifested primarily in labor markets rather than consumer markets. This research extends merger evaluation beyond consumer impact, providing a framework for analyzing the broader consequences of mergers on labor markets characterized by worker-firm complementarities.
Ke Shi is a Ph.D. Candidate in Social Science (Economics) at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). His research fields are Industrial Organization and Financial Economics. His current research interests lie in antitrust regulations, innovation, and entrepreneurship. 石克,现为美国加州理工学院社会科学(经济学)博士候选人。研究领域为产业组织和金融经济学,目前的研究方向涉及反垄断、创新、创业等话题。