讲座:Patent Protection in Developing Economies: The Role of Market Power and Technology Access 发布时间:2025-01-03

题    目:Patent Protection in Developing Economies: The Role of Market Power and Technology Access

嘉    宾:陈维立  PhD. Candidate 宾夕法尼亚州立大学

主持人: 喻    洋 副教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时    间:2025年1月9日(周四)14:00-15:30

地    点:上海交通大学徐汇校区安泰经济与管理学院B207

This paper examines the trade-off between market power and access to advanced technologies in the context of patent protection policy in developing economies.  I exploit a policy shock in China that unevenly strengthened patent enforcement across provinces, combining it with a novel dataset that links Chinese firm-level production data to multinational firms' global patent portfolios.  I find that stronger patent protection incentivizes multinationals to adopt their best technologies in Chinese affiliates and encourages domestic inventors to produce higher-quality innovations. However, both groups also raise their markups.  To rationalize and quantify these findings, I develop a multi-product model where inventors endogenously reduce markups but withhold higher-quality products due to concerns over local imitation.  Enhanced patent enforcement drives out imitators, incentivizing inventors to adopt superior products while raising markups across their portfolios.  The calibrated model reveals an inverted U-shaped relationship between patent protection and aggregate welfare, with strong heterogeneity across industries.
