讲座:The Rationalizability of Survey Responses 发布时间:2025-03-14
嘉 宾:Jose Apesteguia 教授 庞培法布拉大学
主持人: 林熙之 助理教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院
时 间: 2025年3月20日(周四)14:00-15:30
地 点: 上海交通大学徐汇校区安泰经济与管理学院B916
We propose the concept of survey rationalizability, that we base on classical item response theories in psychology. Survey rationalizability involves positioning survey questions on a common scale such that, in the case of attitude (respectively, aptitude) surveys, each respondent gives higher support to questions that are more aligned with her views (respectively, less difficult). We first demonstrate that ideas from standard revealed preference analysis can be used to characterize when deterministic responses on dichotomous surveys are rationalizable. We then show that these results readily extend to polytomous questions and stochastic responses. Furthermore, we investigate the identification of the models.
Jose Apesteguia specializes in microeconomic theory, bounded rationality, and choice theory. He is currently a professor in the Department of Economics and Business at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. His research has been published in leading academic journals, including the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Review of Economic Studies, among others. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the European Economic Association and the Journal of Mathematical Economics.