VR眼动追踪系统 发布时间:2021-05-27
仪器型号:Tobii Pro VR analytics
生产厂家:瑞典Tobii AB
仪器简介:Tobii Pro VR眼动仪允许研究人员在完全受控的虚拟环境中执行眼动研究,可方便地重复利用研究场景和刺激物,同时保持眼动数据的采集,完全不会影响被试VR的体验。该研究工具能够提供高质量的眼动数据,可有效追踪绝大多数的被试人群。
功能用途: 眼动追踪与沉浸式VR结合将为研究执行的方式带来转变并为专业研究领域带来了新的可能性,如心理学,消费行为研究,培训和效能评估。
• Gürerk, Ö., Bönsch, A., Braun, L., Grund, C., Harbring, C., Kittsteiner, T., & Staffeldt, A. (2014). Experimental economics in virtual reality.
• Cadilhac, D. A., Carter, R., Thrift, A. G., & Dewey, H. M. (2012). Organized blood pressure control programs to prevent stroke in Australia: would they be cost-effective?. Stroke, 43(5), 1370-1375.
• Lakshmi, S. J. (2015). A Systematic Analysis of Health Manpower and Health Economics in Public Health Sector. International Journal of Sociology, Social Anthropology and Social Policy, 1(1), 62-67.
• Arnowitz, E. H. (2017). Evaluating the impact of display medium (Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display vs. Screen Display) on perceived user experience and aesthetic value within virtual hotel environments. Cornell University.
• Munsamy, A. J., Paruk, H., Gopichunder, B., Luggya, A., Majola, T., & Khulu, S. (2020). The effect of gaming on accommodative and vergence facilities after exposure to virtual reality head-mounted display. Journal of optometry, 13(3), 163-170.
• Boonyoen, D. Policy Issues in HMD Health Systems and Human Resources Development: The Changing Roles of Public and Private Sectors.
• Tinari, F. D. (1978). A Theoretical Foundation for the Empirical Analysis of Household Monetary Donations: A Note. The American Economist, 22(1), 72-76.