讲座:Data Privacy and Utility: The Story of Spatiotemporal Data 发布时间:2023-03-21

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题 目:Data Privacy and Utility: The Story of Spatiotemporal Data 

嘉 :周晓方, 讲席教授,香港科技大学 


时 :2023 年 3 月 27 日(周一)11:00-12:30 

地 :上海交通大学徐汇校区安泰经济与管理学院 A507 教室 


Spatial trajectory data have been collected extensively from vehicles, mobile phones, various types of monitoring devices and social media applications. In this talk, we will discuss the two sides of a coin: how to link moving objects accurately and efficiently based on their historical trajectories to improve data utility, and how to protect user privacy by modifying data such that moving objects cannot be linked together. In addition to discussing different approaches to achieve utility and to protect privacy for spatial trajectories, we will also discuss possible trade-offs between these two objectives in the context of contact tracing.


周晓方教授为香港科技大学工程学 Otto Poon 教授及计算机科学与工程 学讲席教授。 现任香港科技大学计算机科学与工程系系主任。周晓方 教授是数据科学基础 JC STEM 实验室的主任,是人工智能与机器人 HKUST-HKPC 联合实验室主任。他是香港的全球 STEM 学者和 IEEE 士。
