讲座:Intertemporal Spillovers in Consumer Experiences: Empirical Evidence and Service Design Implications 发布时间:2023-07-06

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题 目:Intertemporal Spillovers in Consumer Experiences: Empirical Evidence and Service Design Implications

嘉 宾:Abhishek Deshmane,助理教授,佐治亚理工学院

主持人:荣鹰 教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2023年7月13日(周四)14:00-15:30pm

地 点:安泰经济与管理学院B404


In consumer experiences, the consumption of activities may impact the evaluation of future ones, either positively (due to assimilation) or negatively (due to contrast). How salient are these intertemporal spillovers and what are their implications for service experience design? To answer these questions, we develop a model that encompasses both types of spillover, by separating, for each activity consumed by a particular individual, its inherent quality from the consumer’s individual satisfaction. To disentangle the positive and negative intertemporal spillovers, we test our model with retrospective data in four experiential contexts, namely: watching movies, reading books, visiting tourist attractions, and eating out. We consistently find the presence of both positive and negative intertemporal spillovers, with higher salience when activities are more similar to each other and when they are experienced in closer time intervals. Our empirical results have several implications for the design of experiences to maximize a consumer’s total discounted utility. First, it may be optimal to schedule the best activity in the middle of an experience, in contrast to the common peak-end rule. Second, under uncertainty, it may be valuable to save the best activity as a “wild card” in case bad outcomes happen, to recover from them. Our study not only documents the salience of both positive and negative spillovers across four experiential contexts using large-scale observational datasets, it also offers new prescriptions for service experience design.  


Abhi is an incoming Assistant Professor in Operations Management at Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. His research focuses on studying innovation in cultural industries and the curation of experiential services (music streaming platforms, museums, etc.). These works aim to facilitate better management of resources in cultural domains and have a positive impact on customer engagement and experiences.
