讲座:Zigzagging to the Top? The Effects of Category Erraticism on Status Mobility in the U.S. Venture Capital Industry 发布时间:2024-04-09

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题 目:Zigzagging to the Top? The Effects of Category Erraticism on Status Mobility in the U.S. Venture Capital Industry

嘉 宾:Michael Jensen, 教授,  密歇根大学安娜堡分校

主 持:刘丽莎, 助理教授, 上海交通大学

时 间:2024年4月17日(周三) 10:00-11:30

地 点:上海交通大学 徐汇校区安泰楼A507室



We examine the effects of category erraticism, i.e., firms moving between socio-cognitively distant industry categories, on status mobility. Building on research on status and categories, we argue that category erraticism negatively affects upward status mobility by creating commitment and capability concerns among external audiences. We further argue that category erraticism is particularly problematic for higher status firms and more experienced firms. Using a comprehensive longitudinal sample of 1,636 venture capital firms in the U.S. venture capital industry from 1984 to 2015, we find that category erraticism reduces upward status mobility, that the reduction is partly mediated by category commitment and capability concerns, and that status and experience increases the reduction.


Michael Jensen教授是美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校罗斯商学院正教授,主要研究兴趣是社会结构在市场中的作用,具体包括地位、声誉和身份如何影响参与市场的组织和个体。Michael Jensen教授的研究成果主要发表于Academy of Management Journal,Organization Science,Administrative Science Quarterly,Strategic Management Journal等国际顶尖管理学期刊上。
