Job Talk:The Information Content of Equity Total Return Swap Trades 发布时间:2025-02-16

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题 目:The Information Content of Equity Total Return Swap Trades

嘉 宾:Liheng Lei(雷丽衡) Ph.D. Candidate University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

主持人:冯芸 金融系主任、教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2025年2月20日(周四)10:00-11:30

 上海交通大学 徐汇校区安泰楼B207室



Leveraging a novel dataset of publicly disseminated equity swap transactions under Regulation SBSR, this paper analyzes the information content of equity total return swap (TRS) trades, offering new insights into this historically opaque market. Despite the dominance of large institutional investors and a market size of over $3 trillion, equity swap trading does not convey information about most stocks, except for micro-cap stocks. Trades for which dissemination is delayed contain more information, consistent with strategic delay of dissemination of trades that contain value-relevant information. These findings challenge the conventional view that large institutional trades convey significant price-sensitive information.




