讲座:Strong Tie with Polymath, Weak Tie with Specialist (or Vice Versa)? Examining the Impact of Tie Strength, Alters’ Learning Activities, and Network Structural Positions on Individual Creativity 发布时间:2022-06-08

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嘉 宾:Zhishuang (Olivia) Guan, Ph.D. candidate, University of Maryland

 持:欧阳璨 助理教授 上海交通大学

时 间:2022928日(周三)13:30-15:00

地 点:腾讯云会议(校内师生如需获取会议信息,请提前发送电邮至luckyjiang@sjtu.edu.cn)



Social network research has taken either a relational perspective or a structural perspective in investigating creativity. The current study first extends the relational perspective by examining not only how the quality of the relationship in terms of tie strength influences individual creativity but also how strong tie and weak tie contacts’ (alters’) exploratory vs. exploitative learning activities make a difference. Further, we integrate the relational and structural perspectives by proposing that a focal actor (ego)’s brokerage position attenuates the effects alters’ learning activities have on the ego’s creativity. Using network data of 390 R&D employees, we find that strong tie alters’ exploratory learning activities positively influence the ego’s creativity, and that strong tie alters’ exploitative learning activities and weak tie alters’ exploratory learning activities negatively affect the ego’s creativity. Further, we find the ego’s level of bridging structural holes to mitigate the relationships between weak tie alters’ learning activities and the ego’s creativity. The findings offer significant theoretical implications for social network and creativity research and important practical implications on how individuals can strategically build their social networks to boost creativity.



Zhishuang (Olivia) Guan is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research takes place at the intersection of enhancing employee inclusion, optimizing knowledge management, and better understanding social perceptions at the workplace. Her work has been accepted in leading journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology and Academy of Management Journal. Her research has also been selected as a best paper by the Academy of Management conference. Guan received her M.A. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University and B.A. in Human Resource Management from the School of Labor and Human Resources at Renmin University of China.

